ECG.C – Unexpected error. Time not found in segment.
The ECG.C – Unexpected error. Time not found in segment. error message is displayed if the Noise filter is enabled and there are no complexes at the very start of the data that satisfy the Minimum HR requirement. Consequentially there are a few seconds of data without any tick marks.
There are potential two workarounds:
- Click on the View Entire Data Set button and then double click on the graph page to open the axis/graph setup window. Observe the X Axis time, then deduct 120 seconds from the time displayed and click OK. The time deducted needs to be sufficient to cover the period where there are no valid cycles at the start of the data.
Now what’s visible in the graph page is two minutes less than the entire data set. Scroll the data to the right so that the latter section is visible. Open the analysis attributes make any necessary changes, reanalyze and apply the changes to the visible region in the graph page. This will then not try and analyze the first two minutes where there is no marked data.
- Click on the View Entire Data Set and manually create a parse segment that covers all of the data with the exception of the first few minutes. Click on Data Parser and select Save Parsed Revie File. Enter an appropriate name and click save.
This will create a new RAW and RVW data set that does not include the first few minutes and can be opened in the future without any problem.
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