Ponemah 6.x Getting Started Guide for Implantable Telemetry - Step 3 (MX2)
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Step 3: Implant Configuration (PhysioTel and PhysioTel HD)
The PhysioTel /HD (MX2) Configuration allows you to add PhysioTel and PhysioTel HD implants to the system and associate them with the appropriate receiver for data collection.
To edit the PhysioTel and Physio Tel HD Telemetry Configuration dialog select the following menu item.
- Hardware | Edit PhysioTel / HD (MX2) Configuration
To begin the configuration process:
- Select MX2 Configuration from the Configuration tab’s List View.
- The MX2 Selection view will display a list of MX2s which are Available on the network. The Selected column lists the MX2s that the user has selected for configuration in the current Experiment. Click-and-drag the MX2(s) from the Available column to the Selected column.
Once a MX2 is listed in the Selected column, it will also be added to the MX2 Configuration in the Configuration tab on the far left. It will also be accompanied by a colored light next to name:
Enabled – a green colored icon with checkmark indicates that the MX2 is synchronized and ready; i.e. it is connected and not currently configured in another system's Experiment. Disabled – a red colored icon with exclamation mark indicates that this MX2 is not currently available (e.g. in configuration but not connected to the network) or is currently configured in an Experiment on another system.
Synchronizing – a yellow colored, time icon indicates that this MX2 is attempting to synchronize to the computer time or does not currently have any receivers physically connected.
Note: An individual MX2 can only be configured by one Ponemah system at a time. The MX2 will be visible on the network but, if it remains part of a configured Experiment, it will not be available to any other system on the network. To free up a configured MX2, the Experiment which holds its configuration must be closed.
Select an MX2 from the Configuration tree on the left of the dialog to display the MX2 Details view, where implants will be added to the configuration.
Select the Create New Implant button to display the Implant Details view.
Note: Implants can be added to an MX2 by selecting the Create New Implant button or by click-and-dragging pre-configured implants from the Inventory list. To learn more about the Inventory, see that section of the Ponemah 6.x PDF manual (located in C:/Ponemah directory).-
For PhysioTel HD Implants:
Select the Implant Model using the dropdown menu.
Associate receiver(s) with the implant after the HD Implant Model has been selected by selecting the checkbox of the receiver you wish to configure it on. This will display the Search for HD Implant button
Note: multiple receivers may be associated with the implant. - Select the Search for HD Implant button and then activate the HD implant with the magnet. The serial number and calibration values will automatically download from the HD implant to the software.
- Enter the Implant Name.
For PhysioTel Implants (Legacy implants)
- Enter the Implant Name and select the Implant Model using the dropdown menu.
- Enter the Implant Serial Number.
- Enter the Calibration Values located on the back of the implant packaging to correspond with the appropriate channels.
- Associate receiver(s) with the implant(s) at any time throughout/after the creation process by checking the checkbox corresponding to the appropriate receiver(s).
Note: multiple receivers may be associated with the implant.
For PhysioTel HD Implants:
- Use the dropdown menus to assign the appropriate Channel Type and Sampling Rate for each channel. These will default to typical values based on the Implant Model selected. *See Notes for typical values.
- Once all implants have been configured select Save & Exit.
- The signal type should be updated to appropriately represent the signal you are acquiring as it is used by the system to automatically assign the analysis module used to calculate physiologic values from the signal.
- The sampling rate should be set high enough to capture all significant changes in the signal, but low enough to avoid excessive over-sampling. The following is a list of recommended sample rates for the standard telemetry signal types.
- Implant icon definitions:
Enabled – a green colored icon with checkmark indicates the implant has a Name, Serial Number, Calibrations Values, and at least one Receiver selected.
Disabled – a red colored icon with exclamation mark indicates the implant is not currently available (e.g. in configuration but does not have at least one Receiver selected).
- *Typical Signal Type and Sampling Rate values are shown in the table below. Although this is a guideline, the sample rate will need to be adjusted depending on the endpoints you are looking to report and the heart rate. See Determining appropriate Blood Pressure (systemic BP & LVP) Acquisition Sample Rates and Filtering for more information on determining sample rate for BP and LVP.
Signal Type |
Sampling Rate (Hz) |
Blood Pressure (BP) |
250 |
Left Ventricular Pressure (LVP) |
1000 |
Electrocardiogram (ECG) |
1000 |
Electroencephalogram (EEG) |
1000 |
Electromyogram (EMG) |
1000 |
Temperature |
1 |
Activity |
1 |
Signal Strength |
1 |
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