Ponemah 6.x Getting Started Guide for Implantable Telemetry - Step 3
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Step 3: Implant Configuration (PhysioTel Digital)
The PhysioTel Digital Configuration allows you to add PhysioTel Digital implants to the system and associate them with the appropriate transceiver for data collection.
To edit the PhysioTel Digital Telemetry Configuration dialog select the following menu item.
- Hardware | Edit PhysioTel Digital (CLC) Configuration
To begin the configuration process:
- Activate the implants to be added to this configuration using a magnet.
- Select CLC Configuration line from the Configuration tab’s List View.
- The CLC Selection view will display a list of CLCs which are Available on the network. The Selected column lists the CLC(s) the user has selected for configuration in the current Experiment. Click-and-drag the CLC(s) from the Available column to the Selected column.
Once a CLC is listed in the Selected column, it will also be added to the CLC Configuration in the Configuration tab on the far left. It will also be accompanied by a colored light next to name:
Enabled – a green colored icon with checkmark indicates the CLC is synchronized and ready; i.e. it is connected and not currently configured in another system's Experiment.
Disabled – a red colored icon with exclamation mark indicates the CLC is not currently available (e.g. in configuration but not connected to the network) or is currently configured in an Experiment on another system.
Synchronizing – a yellow colored, time icon indicates the CLC is attempting to synchronize to the computer time or does not currently have any TRXs physically connected.
Unknown – a yellow colored icon with question mark indicated the CLC is connected, but does not have any TRXs connected.
Select the first CLC in the List View to display its Details page. Use the Frequency dropdown to define it to a unique frequency (e.g. F1-D1).
Repeat Step 3 and 4 for any additional CLCs within your configuration, ensuring each is assigned a unique frequency. If you choose a frequency previously defined to another CLC, a FREQ CLASH notification will be placed next to the CLCs with conflicting frequencies.
Select the first CLC from the List View and select the Search for Implants… button.
The Search for Implants dialog will display and automatically begin searching for implants across all supported frequencies if they are powered ON and within transmitter range. Any implants in Standby Mode and on the CLC’s current frequency will be displayed in the Implants Found column.
Note: The Known Implants line will provide guidance on which frequencies the CLCs are seeing implants on, as well as the number of implants in brackets on that frequency. New implants that have not been previously configured will be detectable using the default frequency (B1). -
If implants are not listed in the Implants Column, or the implants listed are not the desired implants to configure to this CLC, select the Scanning Frequency dropdown to select a new frequency to scan (e.g. F1-B1).
Drag-and-drop the desired implants from the Implants Found column to the Implants Selected column to assign the implant to this CLC. Implants may be multiselected.
Note: Implants only need to be listed in the Implants Found column to be added to the Implants Selected column. Their icon color and indication have no bearing on this action.
Found – a yellow colored icon with question mark indicates the CLC has received a request from the implant to connect.
Connected – a green colored icon with checkmark indicates the implant has successfully connected to the CLC.
OFF/Out of Range – The implant is in the configuration, but is either in OFF mode or the CLC has never received any communication from it.
Click OK.
Again, no need to wait for icons to turn green. A message will be displayed requesting you to wait for the implants to be configured to their new frequencies. -
The CLC Configuration List View will update with the implants, along with the Configured Implants list within the CLC Details.
- Repeat steps 6-10 for any additional CLCs/implants.
- Once complete, click the Save & Exit
Please Note:
- Configured implants may be turned off remotely using the software by clicking the Turn Implant Off button located within the Implant Details page. Implants that are not configured will require a magnet to power them off.
- The factory default frequency for new implants and CLCs is F1-B1 for North America, F2-B1 for Europe, F3-B1 for Japan, and F4-B1 for China.
- Within the tree view list, Active Channels are bolded while Inactive Channels are greyed and italicized. You may enable and disable channels from the Implant Details page by clicking-and-dragging the channel to/from the Enabled/Disabled columns.
- The sampling rate should be set high enough to capture all significant changes in the signal, but low enough to avoid excessive over-sampling. The following is a list of recommended sample rates for the standard telemetry signal types.
Signal Type
Sampling Rate (Hz)
Blood Pressure (BP)
Left Ventricular Pressure (LVP)
Electrocardiogram (ECG)
Electroencephalogram (EEG)
Electromyogram (EMG)
Signal Strength
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