WBP Calibration Errors and Corrective Action
The FinePointe™ WBP controller has the ability to calibrate itself. During the course of calibration, the controller performs a series of diagnostics checks to ensure the system is functioning and will perform as expected. When problems are detected, it is usually due to something not properly connected outside the unit; or caused by parts that require cleaning or servicing.
This article is found in the Appendix of the FP WBP Application Manual
Error: "Pressure too high"
The pressure of the charged calibrator was measured, and it exceeded 22 cm H2O. This could happen if the calibrator is over filled or if the internal reservoir transducer is bad.
Error: "Pressure too low"
The pressure in the charged calibrator was measured and it was less than 18 cm H2O. This could happen if the calibrator is under filled or if the internal reservoir transducer is bad.
Error: "Unable to charge calibrator"
The system is unable to charge the calibrator despite several attempts. Possible problems:
- Calibrator is not connected
- Calibrator is empty (or really low)
- Pump is bad
- Internal reservoir transducer is bad
- There is a huge leak (probably internal)
Error: "Unable to detect calibrator"
The volume delivered from the calibrator yielded too small of a change in the box flow. Possible problems:
- Chamber is not connected
- Ports are open on the chamber
- Transducer is not connected to the chamber
- Too much resistance in the bias flow line
- Isolation resistor is clogged
- Bias flow tube is not connected to the chamber
- Bias flow tube is connected to the wrong chamber
Error: "Unable to charge reservoir"
After trying for more than 10 seconds, it was unable to achieve a stable pressure near the target. This could happen if there is a huge leak preventing the reservoir from filling or if there is an enormous amount of noise on the pressure signal.
Error: "Distribution leak"
After the calibrator is charged, it holds the level for a couple seconds to make sure the pressure does not change. If it drops by more than 1 cm H2O this error is raised. This can be caused by a leak in the calibrator, or an internal leak on the distribution manifold.
Error: "Bias Flow is inverted"
The system calibrated the bias flow, but the calibration was inverted from what it expected. This is the result of an internal error. This error can occur if:
- The tubing on the transducer is reversed
- One of the tubes is not connected
- The tubing between channels is jumbled
- The bias flow transducer has failed
Error: "Box flow saturated"
At various times during the calibration procedure, the system measures the box flow. If the box flow voltage is too close to the limits that can be read, this error is raised. Possible causes:
- Chamber pneumotach is plugged or too resistive
- Chamber pneumotach is wet
- Box flow transducer is bad
Error: "Bias Flow saturated"
The bias flow signal exceeded voltage limits. This could be the following:
- Bias flow transducer is bad
- Bias flow resistor tube is clogged
Error: "Bias Flow is insensitive", "Bias Flow is too sensitive"
After calibrating bias flow, it was determined that it did not fit within the necessary bias flow range. This is an internal error, and it could mean the bias flow valve or resistor tube needs to be cleaned.
Error: "Bias Flow is offset"
The zero bias flow level must be within 10% of a fixed voltage. If this error is shown, it is possible that the transducer is not functioning.
Error: "Reservoir leak"
The reservoir is charged to about -150mBar. Then pressure is held briefly. If the system loses 30mBar pressure in the time allocated, then this error is raised. A large internal error exists.
Error: "Volume delivered too slowly"
The calibrator has 5 seconds to deliver its volume. If it takes longer, then this error is raised. The likely cause is too much resistance in the bias flow line. The isolation resistor may be dirty.
Error: "Box flow is too sensitive"
After box flow is calibrated, the effective range must be above +/- 40 ml/sec. This error occurs if the effective range is below. Possible causes:
- Chamber pneumotach is plugged or too resistive
- Chamber pneumotach is wet
- Box flow transducer is bad
Effective Range Checking
In addition to the errors above, the FinePointe™ controller may fail if the calibration is out of range and it may warn you if it is still usable but borderline.
If the calibration is out of range, it will present the following message:
"Calibration values outside of acceptable range. Ensure the calibrator is filled to the fill line and replace pneumotach screens. Call DSI Tech Support if assistance is required."
This is an error message and will not allow you to acquire data in this condition. This means the effective range is too large or too small.
When the effective range is too large, the apparatus is too insensitive to make optimal measurements. The pneumotach screens may not have enough resistance, or more likely, the calibrator is no longer filled to the fill line (due to evaporation or a spillage). If the calibrator is properly filled, try replacing the screens.
When too small, it is too sensitive and there is a risk of saturating the flow signal or operating with an overly filtered, and therefore somewhat unresponsive signal. If too sensitive, then the chamber pneumotachs have too much resistance and should be replaced. It is also possible that the calibrator filled over the fill line.
If the calibration is borderline, it will present the following message:
"Calibration values nearing unacceptable range. Ensure the calibrator is filled to the fill line and replace pneumotach screens. Call DSI Tech Support if assistance is required."
This is a warning message and will still allow you to acquire data. Like the error condition described above, the warning can be remedied by either checking the fill line of the calibrator or by replacing the pneumotach screens.
Effective Range Limits
This illustrates the effective range warnings and error of a mouse pup chamber.
This illustrates the effective range warnings and errors of mouse chamber.
This illustrates the effective range warnings and errors of a rat and guinea pig chamber.
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