How to Import BioSystem XA Data into FinePointe
Biosystem XA reached its End of Life (EOL) in January 2014 and is no longer available for purchase. For information on continued support, please see DSI Software Support Lifecycle policy for software product support and discontinuation guidelines. Due to technology upgrades and software compatibility, DSI cannot guarantee the functionality of Biosystem XA on computers manufactured after January 2014. Please see the following article regarding Data Import, FinePointe Biosystem XA Data Import
Required Items
- A study created with BioSystem XA that contains data. (The XA study named “Test 3hex” was used in this example)
- A version of FinePointe that has been licensed to create BioSystem XA studies.
For the XA data import feature to function properly, the version of the Microsoft Access database support (Microsoft Office) you have installed must be 32 bit if your FinePointe installation is 32 bit. The MS Office version must be 64 bit if you FinePointe installation is 64 bit. If the versions do not match, errors will appear when attempting to create the XA study type in FinePointe.
FinePointe versions to v2.8 support importing BioSystem XA versions or higher studies into the FinePointe Biosystem XA Dose Response study type. WBP, NAM, RC, and FDP site types are supported. XA PFT study imports are not supported.
Setup the BioSystem XA Data Folder
- Note: If you have installed FinePointe on the same computer that has BioSystem XA installed, the default data folder for XA is “C:\Buxco Data”. You can keep the XA studies in this location and use it as the XA data folder that is defined in FinePointe Control Panel in the next section.
- If you are moving the XA data to a FinePointe system, create a folder named “C:\XA Data”.
- Move all BioSystem XA studies that you want to import to FinePointe into this folder. Make sure each XA study folder name matches the name of the XA study database contained within exactly. Be careful when unzipping studies that have been archived. When unzipped, everything is nested in an extra folder named after the zip file. For example, when you unzip “Test”, you end of with a folder path that look like this “C:\XA Data\Test 3hex\Test 3hex”. FinePointe (and XA) cannot find the study database in this path. You must remove the extra folder so the path look like the picture below.
Configure the FinePointe Control Panel
- Launch FinePointe Control Panel and log in using Windows Administrator credentials.
- Open the License Details view and insure you are licensed to create the XA study types.
- Open the Modify Server Settings view from the Control Panel home page. Make the following changes:
- Enable the BioSystem XA import server.
- Browse to the BioSystem XA data import folder you setup earlier (C:\XA Data or C:\Buxco Data).
- Click the Detect button in the Ole DB Provider section.
- Click Apply Changes.
- Close Control Panel.
Create the XA Study Type and Import the Data
- Launch FinePointe Review.
- On the main toolbar in the Create Study Options section, select XA | Dose Response Study. The Create New Study wizard should open.
- Name the study.
- Keep the default XA server name.
- Select the XA study named “Test 3hex”.
- Click the Next button twice, ignoring the GLP settings options.
- Modify the Subject IDs if desired. Instructions are on-screen at the top of this step.
- Click the Next.
- Configure the Measurement Types and click Next.
- Configure the Parameters.
- Click the Finish.
The XA study will be created in FinePointe. It might take a few minutes for the import to complete.
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