Ponemah Hot Keys/Shortcut
Certain hotkeys have been made available within Review to help facilitate quicker execution of certain functions from the keyboard and/or mouse without having to click additional icons or access menu options. Please note that they hotkeys are currently available only within Ponemah Review and cannot yet be augmented by the user. Please note: these hotkeys are only compatible with Ponemah v5.20-SP8 and later. For available hotkeys in v6.30, please refer to the v6.30 User Manual Data Review section.
Key Combination |
Description of Action |
Zoom/Graphical Navigation |
<Alt> + <S> |
Synchronize Primary, Trend, and Scatter graphs with associated Derived List View. When using this hotkey from the Scatter graph, only the Derived List View is synchronized. To sync the other graphs, double-click the selected row. |
<+> (on number pad) |
Expand graph |
<-> (on number pad) |
Compress graph |
<Ctrl> + <+> (on number pad) |
Expand graph by factor |
<Ctrl> + <-> (on number pad) |
Compress graph by factor |
<Shift> + Mouse wheel |
Expand/Compress Scroll Wheel up – zoom in (expand time span) Scroll Wheel down – zoom out (compress time span) |
<Ctrl> + Mouse wheel |
Expand/Compress graph by a factor Scroll Wheel up – zoom in (expand time span) Scroll Wheel down – zoom out (compress time span) |
Mouse Wheel |
Scroll waveform window left/right |
Page Up |
Scrolls waveform window to the left (increase in time) by screen time |
Page Down |
Scrolls waveform window to the right (decrease in time) by screen time |
<Shift> + <F9> |
Auto scale waveform for selected pane within graph page |
<Ctrl> + <F9> |
Auto scale waveforms for all panes within graph page |
<Ctrl> + <1> through <5> |
Change time scale to predefined entries defined within Advanced settings of Options|Application Configuration: Review.Graph.Timesn |
<Ctrl> + <6> through <9> |
Scale Y axis of all graph panes within the graph page to one of the 4 defined entries within Advanced settings of Options|Application Configuration Review.Graphs.High.Scalen |
<Shift> + <6> through <9> |
Scale the Y axis of the selected graph pane to one of the 4 defined entries (see above) |
<Ctrl> + <Z> |
Undo zoom on waveform (only one level) |
<↑> |
Move up one trace area – activate trace area |
<↓> |
Move cursor down one trace area – activate trace area |
<←> |
Move cursor left |
<→> |
Move cursor right |
<Ctrl> + <←> |
Move cursor the left by a factor |
<Ctrl> + <→> |
Move cursor the right by a factor |
<Shift> + <F6> |
Moves to the previous Parser Segment |
<Shift> + <F7> |
Moves to the next Parser Segment |
Events |
<Shift> + <a> through <j> |
Add Event to currently selected Group |
<Shift> + <Ctrl> + <a> through <j> |
Add Event to all Groups |
<Del> on Event |
Delete selected Event |
Mark Placement/Positioning |
<Tab> |
Move to next validation mark |
<Shift> + <Tab> |
Move to previous validation mark |
<Shift> + <x> |
Add Bad Data Mark |
<Shift> + <F2> |
Move to next Bad Data Mark |
<Shift> + <F3> |
Move to previous Bad Data Mark |
<Shift> + <F4> |
Find next change (only if Diff Marks are on) |
<Shift> + <F5> |
Find previous change (only if Diff Marks are on) |
<Ctrl> + <←> or <→> on Validation Mark, Event, or Bad Data Mark |
Move selected mark left or right |
<Alt> + <v> |
Executes reanalysis for the visual region of the selected channel within a Primary graph. |
<Del> on Validation Mark |
Delete selected mark Note: If on main Cycle mark (e.g. R-mark) deletes complete cycle |
<Del> on Bad Data Mark |
Delete selected Bad Data Mark |
<Alt> + <r> |
Deletes all Bad Data Marks within the selected channel and automatically executes a reanalysis of the channel |
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