Heart Rate Variability Analysis - Derived Parameters
Frequency Domain
Name | Definition |
VLF | The Very Low Frequency (VLF) as defined in the Variability Analysis Frequency Domain Frequency Bins over the user-defined Segment Duration |
LF | The Low Frequency (LF) as defined in the Variability Analysis Frequency Domain Frequency Bins over the user-defined Segment Duration |
HF | The High Frequency (HF) as defined in the Variability Analysis Frequency Domain Frequency Bins over the user-defined Segment Duration |
TP | The Total Power (TP) over the user-defined Segment Duration |
Normalized LF | The normalized Low Frequency (LF) as defined in the Variability Analysis Frequency Domain Frequency Bins over the user-defined Segment Duration. This removes the VLF component. |
Normalized HF | The normalized High Frequency (HF) as defined in the Variability Analysis Frequency Domain Frequency Bins over the user-defined Segment Duration. |
LF/HF | The power ratio of low Frequency content divided by High frequency content over the user-defined Segment Duration. |
Status | Provides an indication to the user should an issue be encountered with the analysis over the user-defined Segment Duration. See Variability Analysis | Trouble Shooting section for more information. |
Time Domain
Name | Definition |
NNInterval | The average of all Normal-Normal (NN) interval in milliseconds over the user-defined Time Domain Reporting Period. |
SDNN | The standard deviation of the averaged Normal-Normal (NN) intervals in milliseconds over the user-defined Time Domain Reporting Period. |
RMSSD | The root mean square of successive differences in milliseconds. sqrt(1/N*Σ(NNn - NN(n-1))^2) Where N is the number of valid adjacent NN values that are not separated by data breaks or bad data marks. |
NNx | The number of valid adjacent NN values that are not separated by data breaks or bad data marks that differ by more than x milliseconds. X is defined in the Time Domain pNNx -X Value setting. |
pNNx | The proportion of valid adjacent NN values that are not separated by data breaks or bad data marks that differ by more than x milliseconds (NNx) divided by the total number of Normal-Normal intervals (Cycles). |
Cycles | The number of available NN values. |
Status | Provides an indication to the user should an issue be encountered with the analysis over the user-defined Segment Duration. See Variability Analysis | Trouble Shooting section for more information. |
This article was published directly from the manual of Ponemah 6.5; access the manual through the software by clicking Help > Contents.
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