Continuous Glucose Telemetry Guidelines for Success
The HD-XG and M-series Glucose Implants are powerful tools for the collection of continuous glucose, temperature, and activity in mice rats, and large animals. Successful implementation requires that the user understand the following:
- Surgery is required
- In addition to a surgical manual, free surgical consultation is provided to our customers. If further assistance is needed, surgical training and on-site surgery are available as a service. For mice, please see Importance of Complete Circle of Willis in Mouse Surgeries
- The device is guaranteed for 28 days following implantation
- The 28 day period begins immediately upon sensor contact with blood. Plan to collect high priority timepoints within this period.
- Some devices may function for 6 to 8 weeks or longer.
- Overpopulate the Study
- 80-95% of implanted animals provide reliable data at 28 days.
- Assume this in your study planning and overpopulate as needed.
- Failures prior to 28 days may be due to animal physiology, post-operative complications, or the device,
- Once implanted, the device should always be kept on
- Turning the device off may negatively affect the sensor life and/or calibration.
- If a device is turned off for more than a few hours, a multipoint calibration should be performed several hours after being turned back on.
- Calibration must be performed with care
- The accuracy of calibration is very sensitive to the procedure and timing of measurements. Please refer to the calibration best practices technical note.
- Implantation may affect your animal or disease model
- Surgery or presence of the device may alter the model. Compare with untreated and sham controls until your model is characterized with this technology.
- Reuse is not recommended with this device
- The device can not be disinfected or sterilized without damaging the glucose sensing enzyme.
- Do not store the device for extended periods of time before use
- The glucose sensing enzyme has a finite shelf life. Surgically implant devices before the expiration date on the package label.
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