FinePointe RC Error: A leak in the breathing circuit or calibrator was detected.
The FinePointe RC system can produce two types of respiratory circuit leak related error messages during calibration. The most common is the Respiratory Circuit Leak Detected error, which appears in the software and triggers a calibration failure. Much less common is the Small Leak Detected message. This message only appears on the FinePointe RC controller LCD. It does not trigger a calibration failure.
Criteria that will trigger the leak detected error messages:
Circuit Leak % During Calibration |
Error Message Information |
Calibration Failure |
Leak is less than 3% |
No error message appears. This stage of calibration will pass |
No |
Leak is more than 3%, but less than or equal to 5% |
Small Leak Detected – Only appears on the RC controller LCD. may also see "a leak in the breathing circuit or calibrator was detected" message. |
No |
Leak is greater than 5% |
Respiratory Circuit Leak Detected – Appears in the FinePointe software and on the RC controller LCD |
Yes |
To clarify, the Small Leak Detected message can be ignored. A 3% to 5 % leak is not an issue because our baseline accuracy is +/- 8% for respiratory products. Check tubing connections, detach/reattach to assure proper fit may prevent the message.
Troubleshooting the Respiratory Circuit Leak Detected error is addressed in the FinePointe RC Respiratory Circuit Leak Testing article.
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