Ponemah 6.x Getting Started Guide for Implantable Telemetry - Step 9
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Step 9: Experiment Data Export
Ponemah’s Derived Data Export allows you to efficiently export derived data from multiple Subjects and across multiple acquisition days without requiring the raw waveform data to be loaded into Review. Exporting data using this method will generate an Excel file in the Experiment folder containing the Derived Parameter data based on the user-defined setting.
- Select Export Data… from the Experiment menu to launch the Derived Data Output
- Select the Subjects whose data is desired to be exported using their associated checkboxes.
- Select to export data across the Entire Experiment or across a specific user-defined Time Range.
- Optional selections:
- Include Experiment Log – this will include a separate tab with the log information listed in the Experiment menu | Experiment Log… dialog as part of the export.
- Subject Sheets – this will tab Derived Parameter and Data Reduction calculations in an easy-to-read formatted data table. This can be unchecked to reduce the size and improve the performance of Excel, should Pivot Compatible Sheets be the preferred output method.
- Individual Subject Sheets – when selected, a separate Excel sheet will be created for the Derived Parameter and Data Reduction data per Subject.
- Aggregate Subject Sheets – when selected, the Derived Parameter and Data Reduction data from all Subjects will be listed in a single Excel sheets.
- Pivot Compatible Sheets – this will include a tab for the Derived Parameter and for Data Reduction data formatted appropriately to create Excel Pivot Tables for a more efficient method of generating summarized data tables and graphs.
- Select Export.
Note: Export may occur from the main Acquisition instance of Ponemah, as well as a Review while Acquiring instance should Derived data need to be obtain without stopping the Acquisition.
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