NeuroScore User Manual
This manual will help you get to know your NeuroScore software. The structure of the manual was designed to sequentially guide you through setting up your DSI system.
What You Will Be Learning
- Installation of the NeuroScore Software
- How to get started
- Analyzing data
- Batch Processing
- Automated Scoring Protocols
- Video Synchronization
- Analysis Examples
The purpose of the NeuroScore User Manual is to provide assistance through the process of data analysis using the NeuroScore software. It uses simple, easy to understand wording, realistic examples, and sample screen shots to explain how to use the program. The procedures and examples are written in a level of detail appropriate for users who have experience with basic Windows Operating System functions. There are many data types that can be analyzed with the NeuroScore software; however, NeuroScore was designed specifically for the analysis of EEG in regards to sleep and seizure related data. This user manual primarily focuses on those applications.
Note: This manual is intended to be a guide to using the program, and should not be used as instructions for sleep scoring or seizure analysis.
This manual can be useful using a number of different approaches. The three methods most commonly used to find information about the software are using the search option, navigating through the Table of Contents, or using the context sensitive help in pre-selected windows. The manual can also be accessed while the NeuroScore software is open and the active program. Press <F1> to have the manual launch while in NeuroScore.
Application Overview
NeuroScore is a software program that allows the user to analyze physiological signals through various mathematical functions and graphing techniques. It is a modular platform and the optional Rodent Sleep Scoring, Large Animal Sleep Scoring, Seizure Detection, and Video Synchronization modules can easily be added-on to NeuroScore's Core software. The Core software is the foundation of NeuroScore and offers sophisticated graphical and browsing capabilities, derived signals including frequency analysis tools, manual scoring and marking options, and report templates. In addition, the Core software provides the ability to export results into Excel® and other formats.
NeuroScore's Rodent Sleep Scoring Module and Rodent Scoring 2 Module makes sleep scoring easy by providing fast and accurate scorings. These modules assigns a vigilance stage to each epoch based on EEG, EMG, and activity data. Stages include Paradoxical, Slow Wave Sleep (with option to distinguish between SWS-1 and SWS-2), Wake, and Active Wake.
NeuroScore's Large Animal Sleep Scoring Module also automatically assigns a vigilance stage to each epoch. It is intended for use with data from non-human primates and other large animal species and uses EEG, EMG, EOG, and activity signals as inputs to the scoring algorithm. The algorithm used in the detector is based primarily on the AASM standards for human sleep scoring and assigned stages include, Wake, Active Wake, REM, Non-REM (NI, N2, N3)
The Seizure Detection (Spike Train) analysis module scans an EEG signal to detect patterns of repeating spike activity contained within the signal. This detector is primarily based on amplitude thresholds and the user can define spike characteristics and rules for periodicity to help differentiate spike trains from 'normal' EEG.
The Batch Processing feature of NeuroScore allows the design of a study specific workflow that can be run on a group of subjects without having to open and analyze subject data individually. A Workflow can be custom designed to load data, run an analysis, generate reports and export data features of interest.
Video Synchronization allows for recorded video data to be loaded into NeuroScore along with data from other sources, such as telemetry. Once loaded, video data can be reviewed with the associated data, fully synchronized, to complement the analysis process. Video information allows visual assessment of the subject’s behavior, confirmation of scoring events, classification of seizure types and more. Video data must be acquired in Dataquest A.R.T. or Ponemah acquisition packages.
For more information, see the following topics:
- NeuroScore General Concepts
- NeuroScore Work Environment
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